FAQs: Product

How long will my air conditioner last?

In relation to the life expectancy of an air conditioner, it is difficult for us to provide product-specific information as there are many factors that may impact the length of time a unit will operate as intended. Unlike the vast majority of other consumer products, air conditioners require that the equipment is selected, applied, and installed correctly to ensure correct operation and ongoing performance. 

Generally, there are a number of external influences that may affect the life span of any air conditioning equipment, so it is difficult to predict and quantify.

These influences include but are not limited to: 

  • Dust
  • Dirt
  • Salt
  • Weather extremes
  • Power supply reliability
  • Quality of installation/workmanship/equipment application at the time of installation.
  • Maintenance levels and frequency
  • Level of workmanship when the product is serviced.
  • Operation patterns of the unit i.e. turning on / off, cycling on / off, defrost cycles, mode changes, etc.
  • The selection, physical installation space, and atmosphere conditions

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